Thursday, May 17, 2012

Project Hunting

These past couple of days have consisted of searching for projects that will keep our team busy for the next couple of months. In order to get to these specific places, we take Boda's which I am actually getting quite used to now...
(Rebecca, the country director was stressed out because we kept getting lost)

We visited some women's groups that have their own beading business that want to expand, we visited some health clinics that need volunteers and we also visited some schools that need some teachers for leadership/health/english classes.

At most of the schools, they have all these words of advice spray painted on the curbs of the school buildings and we thought they were funny...
Today we went to an orphanage that was like an hour and a half away and got there in some sketchy bus and I felt like that bus was going to roll over or explode at any time. After not getting a good feeling about it, we decided we would find another orphanage that is closer that we worked with last year....when we were touring the orphanage, I heard some giggles behind me and turned around to find these cute little guys!
I am interested in so many of the projects, it's going to be hard to just pick a couple! Tomorrow we have a meeting with the department of education (like a district office) to discuss some things that they want/need. Should be fun! We are still in the process of getting the projects takes awhile to go visit with the organizations that want help, to assess what they need then to plan when to come and whatnot. There is a lot that goes into it! So I hope to teach some classes, help with the water sanitation in the slums we visited, teach leadership classes, build sack gardens, do some micro-financing stuff with the womens groups....there is so much!! It will be interesting to see what I actually end up working on. I'm excited to get started. 
 (please tell me how much you like my awkward pose)
Thank you everyone for your comments and support. Honestly, it's very motivating and you make me feel like I am doing good in the world even thought it doesn't feel like it quite yet. Not gunna lie, being here is really different, and I expected it to be but it's a big change nonetheless and all your support helps me a lot! Keep commenting on my blog! Love you and miss you all <3


  1. I'm loving your blog and the photos! I know you are going to have an amazing time and do a lot of good while you are there. Keep taking lots of photos!

  2. Melty ~ I read this quote today and thought of you just now.....
    Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.
    Dalai Lama
    It doesn't matter what project you choose, because you have brought so much love and compassion over to Africa that you will spread sunshine everywhere you go.
    Thank you for being such a great example to your Sister from a different Mister and to me! LOVE YOU!

  3. I love your blog! I check it all the time. The pictures are amazing. We are all so proud of you for being there and for going on such an awesome adventure. We love you and think about you a lot.

  4. Kelsey - you are my hero! Love Dad.

  5. Kelsey, your blog is awesome! I've been showing my family and they love it as well. You are such a beautiful and wonderful person and I'm sure everyone loves you there. I can't wait to read about more updates!
