No better way to spend your last day in Africa then at a zoo riding camels and feeding giarffe's!
New favorite animal? OBVIOUSLY
Henry was the best. He loved us and totally hooked us up with feeding the giarffe's. Don't know why but we accepted it and LOVED every second of it.
I didn't really have an opinion on camels until I hung out with them for pretty much the whole day. They are super obedient and so adorable. This one inparticular speaks Swahili. It's trainer, Robert who we just randomly started talking to when we walked by was so great. He loves his camels and has a dream of being a professional boxer hence the bod he's got going on. Good what? Times.
Digging Robert's shades right? Oh and his shirt has a camel on it and says, Hump Day. hahahah I LOVE UGANDANS
This is a wild monkey who was so protective over it's baby and it was adorable. It was just chilling on the playground of the zoo and loving it's child just like any mother would. Seriously, how precious is the little baby monkey?!
Let's not forget about the other animals we got to admire but not get up close and personal with.
The Chimpanzee (I could not help but think of Planet of the Apes and how I want a pet chimp named Caesar)
The lazy Leopard.
The alligator, not to get confused with a crocidile. Wait not I'm confused if this is an alligator or a crocidile. Shoot.
The zebra. I would like to describe it as a cross between a donkey and a horse with stripes added.
The rhino!! People say these ones are dangerous but I refuse to think that. I think they're cute.
Lion's are so much prettier in real life and in Africa then they are cartooned/in the Lion King
And my least favorite animal award goes to the ostrige. I don't even know how to spell it but who cares because this animal is plain creepster.
Best story of the day goes to Maddy feeding the wild monkeys wandering about in the zoo. We got super excited to feed them so we do but then this guys ripes the food out of her hands. It was crazy. She got scared and eventually ran away ahaha. Oh let's also mention how when we were eating lunch another wild monkey ripped Maddy's sandwich right out of her hand. Hahahaha it was the funniest thing ever. She had like a 20 second delayed scream. Only at an African zoo do you just chill with random monkeys.
I was not excited to go home but we knew it had to happen eventually. Here we have Mallory, Sam and I just about to depart. It was real Africa. I'm just really gunna miss you. You made me a different person and changed my perspective on life. You will always have a place in my heart and I hope one day I can come back. Nice time.
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